Tuesday, 23 August 2016

              Every child deserves a warm home
First: point Would you want more than four hundred & fifty children to sleep outside with no blankets or pillows on the cold rocky concrete, or would you want them to sleep in a nice & warm cozy bed.Just imagine you and your child sleeping outside on the cold concrete your child would be freezing to death especially when it’s winter.
 Second point: There are a lot of homeless people that are sick.most parents are homeless and have no car and they have to make signs so they can get clothes, job, car, food, water and a house for their children so they don’t die or get sick.
 Third point: Right now there are thousands of people living in cars, their kitchens are sometimes in their boot and they try to sleep on the seats but they can’t because they can’t fit especially when there’s eight or nine people in the car.They also wouldn't be able to sleep at night because they would of been bullied just because they live in a car(the poor children).
 Fourth point: A warm home is a lot easier for your children to do your homework instead of doing it on a old and rusty garage.In a home you could have a desk to do your homework in, WiFi if you have a laptop or iPad, lunch just in case your hungry, and last but not least a room so your children can have their own space and nobody will disturb them.But in a garage they won’t have a desk to work on, no homework, lunch, no WiFi, and no rooms. That means there will be kids bothering you, but if they have no brothers or sisters then it will be their parents bothering them, and if they keep on getting distracted then they won’t get a good grade and won’t get a scholarship to collage or university, would you want that for your child.
 Conclusion: I’ve given you four reasons why every child deserves a warm home Because they do, they don’t deserve sleep outside with no blankets or pillows,.Children don’t deserve to stand on the side of the streets and have no food or water and get sick and almost die.They most likely do not deserve to live in a car and try to go to sleep at night because they think about the times that they get mocked because they live in a car.Your children don’t deserve to live in a garage and get distracted, and don’t get their scholarship.They deserve the exact opposite, So please look after your children and keep them in a warm home.

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